The law of diminishing returns has set in: the presence of Nato troops has become the problem. 收益递减规律得到了体现:北约军队的进驻成为了问题所在。
One way to avoid running up against the law of diminishing returns is to set yourself deadlines. 避免遭遇收益递减法则的方法之一,是给自己设定截止时间。
Study on the Application Ratio of Nitrogen and Phosphate and Law of Diminishing Returns for Corn 玉米氮磷最佳施肥比例与报酬递减律研究
There is a law of diminishing returns that becomes operative in old age, I find. 我发现存在着一条报酬递减的规律,人到老年时这一规律对他就变得很应验。
He and other scholars have argued that large disbursements are subject to the law of diminishing returns. 他和其他学者认为这些大笔的支出服从了减少回报的法规。
Is Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns Objective Existence& An Analysis from Panel Data of Chinese Listed Company 边际报酬递减规律是客观存在的吗&来自上市公司面板数据的实证检验
Speaking of which, there needs to be a definite time limit: anything more than an hour is likely to be subject to a law of rapidly diminishing returns. 说到这一点,我们还需指出,必须设定明确的时间限制,任何超过一小时的会议,都有可能受到“收益迅速递减”法则的影响。
Some times we are tempted to plan a lot of things and after some time the law of diminishing returns operates. 有时我们被吸引去计划许多的事情,然后在未来某个时间发现收益递减规律开始发挥作用了。
This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns. 这个过程是无止境的,可是这违背了报酬递减律。
On the Relationship between Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns and Library Collection Development 边际收益递减规律与图书馆藏书发展
The response of N contents in stems, leaves and fruits to fertilizer N and Ca was in line with the law of diminishing marginal returns. 氮肥对番茄植株地上部分和果实中N含量影响均符合报酬递减律。
The rise of the new economy has greatly shaken the reason of the Law of Diminishing Returns. There appears the phenomenon of guerdon increasing returns, which is inexplicable for the existing economic principles. 新经济的兴起大大动摇了报酬递减律的理由,出现了报酬递增的现象,这使得原有的经济学原理无法做出合理的解释。
Further recognization of law of diminishing returns Empirical Study on farmland decrease in Jiangsu Province 重新认识土地收益递减规律江苏省耕地递减问题的数量经济分析
Including the land law of diminishing returns, land rent, location theory and the theory of sustainable development. 包括土地报酬递减规律、地租理论、区位理论和可持续发展理论。
This study finds that the impact of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure on regional economic growth in China is subjected to the law of diminishing returns. In other words, the impacts of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure on economic growth is negatively related to their size. 本文的研究发现,交通和通信基础设施对中国区域经济增长的影响服从报酬递减规律,换句话说,交通和通信基础设施对区域经济增长的影响与其规模负相关。
According to Welfare Economics, social welfare is the function of individual welfare, an equal allocation of resources can increase social welfare due to the law of diminishing returns of marginal utility. 福利经济学认为,社会福利是个人福利的函数。由于边际效用递减,因此更公平的资源配置会提高整个社会的福利。